Thursday, December 18, 2014

DECEMBER- Middle School

Please Note: Do to the extensive measures taken by the middle school to have students claim their items, these items will be held through the end of January and then donated to 7Gen Lends and other charitable clothes closets that benefit families in our area.

In order to claim an item, please EMAIL me with the item number, students last name and their teacher.

MS-D1, MS-D2, MS-D3, MS-D4

MS-D5, MS-D6, MS-D7, MS-D8

MS-D9, MS-D10, , MS-D11, MS-D12

MS-D13, MS-D14, MS-D15, MS-D16

MS-D17, MS-D18, MS-D19, MS-D20

MS-D21, MS-D22, MS-D23, MS-D24

MS-D25, MS-D26, MS-D27

MS-D28, MS-D29, MS-D30, MS-D31

MS-D32, MS-D33, MS-D34, MS-D35, MS-D36

MS-D37, MS-D38, MS-D39, MS-D40, MS-D41




include the item number (or description for appropriate photographs)   the students name and teacher and I will send you an email once the items are sent into the school.

Again, please note that these items will only be kept until the end of January due to the numerous attempts made by the middle school staff/faculty to get the items claimed (and the lack of storage space for such a large quantity)

Sunday, November 9, 2014

November 2014

Please email the item number along with your child's name and teacher and I will send your items in immediately.  The delay with the middle school's lost and found is due to working with the staff to get the kids to claim their own items. They will be laid out in the commons area for kids to claim and then I will be picking the remaining items up and adding them to the blog.  Thank you for your patience and for encouraging your middle schoolers to claim their items!


ES-N1, ES-N2, ES-N3, ES-N4

ES-N5, ES-N6, ES-N7, ES-N8, ES-N9

ES-N10, ES-N11, ES-N12, ES-N13

ES-N14, ES-N15, ES-N16, ES-N17


Again, please email the item number, students name and their teacher 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

October 2014 Lost and Found

Welcome to the Lost and Found blog for Seven Generations Charter School. This is where you can come to look for your child(rens) lost item(s) so they can be returned to you!

Here's how it works:
Once a month (typically the same Tuesday at the Community Circle meeting) I collect the lost and found from both school buildings. All the items are brought to my house where I wash them, photograph them and store them until they're claimed. You simply need to send me an email with the item number, students last name and teacher's name (so I know who to send it in to).  All items are kept for the full school year. During conference week, the items are laid out in the appropriate building for parents to look through and take the items belonging to their family. At the end of the year, any remaining items are donated to the school nurse or 7 Gen Lends.  Nothing is donated outside of the school.

my email address:

***Please note: all items in previous blog posts are no longer available to be claimed.***

This month I only have Lost and Found from the ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Next month the MIDDLE SCHOOL will be included in the blog post, so keep an eye out for that.

O-ES1, O-ES2, O-ES3, O-ES4

O-ES5, O-ES6, O-ES7, O-ES8, O-ES9

O-ES10, O-ES11, O-ES12, O-ES13, O-ES14

O-ES15, O-ES16, O-ES17, O-ES18, O-ES19, O-ES20

O-ES21, O-ES22, O-ES23, O-ES24, O-ES25

O-ES26, O-ES27, O-ES28, O-ES29, O-ES30, O-ES31


Reminder: email the item number, students last name and teachers name. I will reply to your email the day that it is sent in.


Saturday, April 19, 2014

March/ April Lost & Found (both schools)

My apologies for being so late in getting these pictures up! Spring always means a more hectic schedule and the time simply got away from me. Even as I type this, I have the ES items to photograph so I can post them, so hopefully I'll have that done in the next week or so.  Please take a careful look at the following items as they are from BOTH school buildings, not just one.

A reminder of how this works. I collect the items from each school once a month and then post them here for you all to browse and claim your items. You can do this by sending an email to: with the item number (or description where noted).  Please remember to include your child's name and their teacher so I know where the item is headed. I simply ask that once you receive the items you take a moment to put your child's name in the item so that if it gets lost again, it's easier to return it.

Please email description. If gloves are not claimed, they are given to the nurse for children who forget to bring theirs to school.

Items: (top l-r) A1, A2,A3 (bottom l-r) A4, A5, A6

Items: (l-r) A7, A8

A9, A10


A12. A13, A14

A15, A16, A17

A18, A19, A20


A21, A22

A23, A24




A/MS3, A/MS4, A/MS5, A/MS6

Please remember to send an email to  so I can keep track of what items are being claimed and when I send them into school. This does help as just recently I had a mom ask if I ever sent her item in. I was able to go check my email and sure enough, the student had gotten and re-lost the item!

Friday, February 21, 2014

February 2014 (MIDDLE SCHOOL) lost/found items

Middle School Items

I went ahead and gathered up the lost and found items from the middle school. There was a nice amount and I hope to see many of the items returned to their owners.  If you recognize an item, please send an email to with the item number, home room and child's last name. I'll bring the items to the school to be returned!

Items: MS-F1(top left), MS-F2, MS-F3, MS-F4 and MS-F5(bottom right)


Items: MS-F6, MS-F7, MS-F7, MS-F8

Items: MS-F-9, MS-F10, MS-F11, MS-F12

Items: MS-F13, MS-F14, MS-F15, MS-F16



ITEMS; MS-F17(top left), MS-F18, MS-F19, MS-F20

Again, if you recognize an item, please send an email with the ITEM NUMBER/Description, child's last name and teacher/homeroom

Sunday, January 12, 2014

December 2013 Lost/Found items

boots say 'Chris' on the bottom. Item # D1

Please email description for these items.

Again, just email the description

The gloves at the top actually are full matches!

Item # D2 (top), D3 (bottom)

Items (L- R) # D4, D5, D6, D7

Item # D8 and email description for gloves/accessories

Item # D9

Please send an email to: with the Item number or the description (please include that the item is listed in the December L/F post).  Also, the child's last name and teacher so I know who to send it in to.

I am still looking for a volunteer to help collect the middle school lost and found. Please contact me if you are interested in helping out.