My apologies for being so late in getting these pictures up! Spring always means a more hectic schedule and the time simply got away from me. Even as I type this, I have the ES items to photograph so I can post them, so hopefully I'll have that done in the next week or so. Please take a careful look at the following items as they are from BOTH school buildings, not just one.
A reminder of how this works. I collect the items from each school once a month and then post them here for you all to browse and claim your items. You can do this by sending an email to: with the item number (or description where noted). Please remember to include your child's name and their teacher so I know where the item is headed. I simply ask that once you receive the items you take a moment to put your child's name in the item so that if it gets lost again, it's easier to return it.
Please email description. If gloves are not claimed, they are given to the nurse for children who forget to bring theirs to school. |
Items: (top l-r) A1, A2,A3 (bottom l-r) A4, A5, A6 |
Items: (l-r) A7, A8 |
A9, A10 |
A11 |
A12. A13, A14 |
A15, A16, A17 |
A18, A19, A20 |
A21, A22 |
A23, A24 |
A/MS1, AMS2 |
A/MS3, A/MS4, A/MS5, A/MS6 | | | | |
Please remember to send an email to so I can keep track of what items are being claimed and when I send them into school. This does help as just recently I had a mom ask if I ever sent her item in. I was able to go check my email and sure enough, the student had gotten and re-lost the item!