Friday, October 7, 2016

September 2016

Here's how it works:

Once a month (typically the last Wednesday of the month) I collect the lost and found from the school. All the items are brought to my house where I wash and photograph them. You simply need to send me an email with the item number,students last name and teacher's name (so I know who to send it in to). Please do not contact me via Facebook (I will not respond to Facebook contact regarding the lost and found) as I use the emails as a tracker for when items are sent back to the students. All items are kept for 2 months and then are donated to the school nurse or 7 Gen Lends and finally to local charities helping families in our community.

Please note: this is the Elementary School only. A separate post will go live soon, for the Intermediate School.

ES- S1, S2, S3, S4

ES- S5, S6, S7, S8

ES- S9, S10, S11

ES- S12, S13, S14

ES- S15, S16, S17

Again, please contact me via email: 

Students last name, Teacher and Item number

I will reply with an email the day I sent your item into school as a tracking system.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

End of the Year/June

With school no longer in session, please let me know when you can stop by the school office (Mon- Thurs office hours) to pick your items up. Send a description and your last name and I'll have them at the school office for you to pick up.


These items are labeled (L-R) K. James, R Scott, Taylor, Nasear, Jax

Saturday, May 21, 2016

April 2016

Here's how it works:

Once a month (typically the last Wednesday of the month) I collect the lost and found from the elementary school. All the items are brought to my house where I wash and photograph them. You simply need to send me an email with the item number,students last name and teacher's name (so I know who to send it in to). Please do not contact me via Facebook as I use the emails as a tracker for when items are sent back to the students. All items are kept for 1 month and then are donated to the school nurse or 7 Gen Lends and finally to local charities helping families in our community.

The items from March are STILL AVAILABLE, so please take a moment to review that post to see if you can claim any of those items.

A1, A2, A3

A4, A5, A6

A7, A8, A9, A10

A11, A12, A13, A14

A15, A16, A17, A18

A19, A20, A21, A22

A23, A24, A25, A26

A27, A28, A29, A30

A31, A32, A33, A34

A35, A36, A37

Please email description of item

Please email description of item

~Please contact me via email and NOT Facebook!~

Monday, March 28, 2016

March 2016

Here's how it works:

Once a month (typically the last Wednesday of the month) I collect the lost and found from the elementary school. All the items are brought to my house where I wash and photograph them. You simply need to send me an email with the item number,students last name and teacher's name (so I know who to send it in to). Please do not contact me via Facebook as I use the emails as a tracker for when items are sent back to the students. All items are kept for 1 month and then are donated to the school nurse or 7 Gen Lends and finally to local charities helping families in our community.

M1, M2, M3, M4

M5, M6, M7

M8, M9

M10, for gloves, please email description.

My email address:

Thursday, March 3, 2016

February- Elementary School

Here's how it works:
Once a month (typically the last Wednesday of the month) I collect the lost and found from the elementary school. All the items are brought to my house where I wash and photograph them. You simply need to send me an email with the item number,students last name and teacher's name (so I know who to send it in to). Please do not contact me via Facebook as I use the emails as a tracker for when items are sent back to the students. All items are kept for 1 month and then are donated to the school nurse or 7 Gen Lends and finally to local charities helping families in our community.

my email address:

Email with description

Email with description
F1 (top), F2, F3, F4

F5, F6

Saturday, January 9, 2016

December - Elementary School

Here's how it works:
Once a month (typically the last Wednesday of the month) I collect the lost and found from the elementary school. All the items are brought to my house where I wash and photograph them. You simply need to send me an email with the item number,students last name and teacher's name (so I know who to send it in to). Please do not contact me via Facebook as I use the emails as a tracker for when items are sent back to the students. All items are kept for 1 month and then are donated to the school nurse or 7 Gen Lends and finally to local charities helping families in our community.

my email address:

D1, D2, D3, D4

D5, D6, D7

D8, D9,D10

Please email description

D11, D12